Spinal manipulation.
Physical medicine modalities and Acupuncture.
CELLUMA - LED Light Therapy - call for more information
Nutritional consulting: Utilizing health assessments and lab (blood) tests.
Nutritional Supplements: Fish oil, MSM, Glucosamine, CoQ10, Multi-Vitamins, Probiotics, Saw Palmetto, Vitamin D, Niacin (Non-flush), Milk Thistle, Liquid B-12, Hawthorn, Rhodiola
Rosea, Curcumin, and much more.
We sell BIOFREEZE - a topical pain analgesic
Affordable Lab Testing: Lipid (cholesterol) Panel, CRP-hs, Homocysteine, Vit. D -- additional tests are also available. This is great for those with no insurance or high
deductibles. Lab testing is done through a local laboratory facility with several valley locations.
Orthopedic supplies, TENS units and TENS supplies/pads.
Custom - made Orthotics (arch supports).
Health and Nutritional workshops - see workshop tab for future dates